
Design Process

I have experience in the entire design process from design, through prototype/build, to evaluation. I have done several types of design and prototyping in different fidelities from paper sketches to interactive looks-like websites. This sketch of an internal site for customer service turned into this interactive prototype in Axure. After handing that over to the developers, I keep an eye on everything and make sure there were no miscommunications. To evaluate, I've used mixpanel to get analytics about usage without having to engage users directly. I've also used a variety of user research methodologies to directly work with users to inform any improvements we could implement.

This sketch

Became this prototype

Developer Portal

Elavon wanted to launch a developer portal, and this was the first project I worked on there. For the initial design phase, I researched competitors, similar products, and services, gathered existing feedback we already had, identified personas , wrote user stories , identified red route user journeys , and organized the information architecture.

Information Architecture of the developer portal


In this class project, I designed an interface for an embedded device and accompanying mobile app for senior citizens and their caregivers to manage the complex scheduling of medicines and pills.The mobile app is intended mostly for the caregivers (family, friends, and medical staff) and the device is for the patient. I started with some sketches and diagrams for the mobile app (mockups , clickable mockups ) and the device.

On the device, the patient can see when their next dose is, and what it is. It automatically dispenses the correct dosage and gives visual and audio alerts. The device's interface uses large fonts and buttons, and high contrast visuals so that mobility- and visually-impaired patients can still use it easily.

It has a VoIP system so it can make calls directly from the device. These calls may be initiated by the patient, who may have questions or concerns, or by the system itself if the patient is not taking their medications. It associates doctors with medications and people with their relationship to the patient, so the patient does not need to remember names.

Flow of how the device that the patient uses works

Multi-modal Board Game

This board game (sketch, final) uses RFID to detect when players get on the merry-go-round . As a Super Smash-style melee, players lose and gain coins, so if they have enough for the fare, the motor spins and where she stops, nobody knows! Players use the Processing sketch to roll the dice and steal each other's coins.

Sketch of how the game would work

Game board

Characters with RFID

Getitng on the Merry-Go-Round

Processing sketch

Club Management Website

This website started as a project for databases systems (CS 4400), but became real. Homemade in MySQL, PHP, and JS, it's a member- and event-management system for the Glee Club. As a fairly casual club, members didn't always remember everything they needed to know: sheet music, event details, attendance, carpools, contact info, etc. This site has facilitated communication and made everyone's lives much, MUCH easier and more convenient.

Sheet Music

Event Details



Contact Info

As class projects tend to do, by the end we just had to get it finished so a lot of the "design" was just a temporary fix that never got changed. I'm currently working on redesigning this project with a developer friend using Vue and Bulma.